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What people are saying:

OH YEAH. But. Wait, there’s more:

iHeart @petition, a great new newsletter for people interested in distressed to lien on for an Ultra fun read every Sunday night. Their writers are a Breit bunch with a burning passion for the space, who Sea trends and Drill down on Hot Topics, it's the Tops.
April 5, 2018
I do love your coverage and I am getting the firm signed up next week. Thanks for all your insight. It’s the best take on bankruptcy and disruption out there.
March 30, 2018
Really enjoying @petition - great product! It’s like Stratechery meets the skimm for people who care more about covenants than the cloud and Kardashians. Their writing is the kind of IP I'd move to an unrestricted sub in a hot minute!
March 30, 2018
Oh @petition...come for the A++ corporate restructuring headlines, stay for The Wire quotes. 🙌
March 7, 2018
LOVE the coverage on @onepeloton in today's @petition mid-week. As a #spintrovert since Sept '17, I relate to every part of it. Bravo for the fab journalism, PETITION.
January 25, 2018
If you are a restructuring professional who isn't following @petition and getting their newsletter yet, you should fix that. Stat.
June 6, 2017